BibleGuide Through-the-Bible Online Links Edition
BibleGuide Through-the-Bible Online Links Edition
Your daily Bible readings are a click away in this BibleGuide Readthrough with Digital Links and Checkboxes. You can read the Bible from your phone, tablet, or computer and check off the chapters digitally as you do the readthrough. Chapters are linked to the website with the New Living Translation and other translations, plus other resources.
The Readthrough booklet includes Scripture charts and timely articles by Bishop Boone like these: Living Life with Eternity in View. Eternity in eight sections of the Bible (Pentateuch, Poetry, Wisdom, History, Prophets, Epistles, Gospels, End Times.) Principles of Hermeneutics. Sample of Jesus' Teachings about Eternity. From Eternity to Eternity. Eternity in the Creeds. Westminster Shorter Catechism excerpts. Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy.